*the greatest birthday gift ever...
12 march 2009 was my 24th birthday, and it was 2 days after, on 14 march 2009, his family came to my house, brought a couple of rings--one of'em sparkled with a diamond in the middle--as the proof of our pre-vow. and there i am, waiting in flooded happiness when i saw him extraordinarily handsome--well, he is always handsome to me... teehee ^^--wearing a black tux--which i almost couldn't believe it, he wore a tux!!--with a white flower buttoniere accompanied by his family. including his sister that came all the way from s'pore to witness our engagement. i was happy... he was happy... our family was happy... everyone's happy!! :D all i can remember is that i slept that night with a smile in my face...
my mom placed a ring on him, and his mom placed another one on me
so... i thought you could guess what could be in the next me-update post, ryt?? just wait ;)

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